30 high end professional woodworking router bits 90% of the bits are either amana Whiteside or ocemco , 5) are brand new , 12).
of them are freshly resharpended and the rest are used ,there's a new amana 47138 down sheer super flush ($45value), a brand new amana 51430 laminate / aluminum down solid carbide spiral ( $75value),new ocemco flush, another new short flush, and 1) new 1" top pattern flush (import blue), 1 ) used Whiteside solid carbide spiral ru5125, 1) 3/4"whiteside down shear, 1) s-2wx8-1-1/2 used spiral flush , 1) s- 808cx2 spiral 1, Whiteside 1066 plunge sharp 1 ) 2407 sharp flush, 1 amana 45426 sharp, 1 amana 47136, amana 47138 used,
Amana v groove 45724 amana v groove 45728, amana sharp bevel flush amana 47104 sharp flush, amana pattern flush 45463,,amana sharp 1/2" pattern flush 1 ised amana 1069,
1 sharp 1/4"roundover , 1 -45degree, 1 corner beading 1 3/8 flush1 rabbit bit ,, 1 1/2" used roundover .
I tried to be specific, but if something I missed or have specific questions, please send me message or call and I try to answer for you , All theses bits normally retail would run about $1000 .