It is true, no one person has all the answers, but it is also true, all the answers we need are found in the Bible.
It is true, we all have questions, and for that reason, it is a good idea to do all we can to satisfy those questions, because if we do not ask questions to what we would like or need answers, we will remain unaware of the important answers to the questions.
We are “Word Fed…Spirit Led” and as such, we are strong believers in the authority and Power of the Bible, and His Spirit in us, and teach from an originalist perspective, as Jesus instructed the Apostles.
This, and many more important subjects are being covered in our weekly Home Fellowship Bible group, and we extend an invitation to you, to join us in our open forum, interactive, very casual meeting, as our goal is for all to learn what the Bible really says on these, and any subject, as truth is found in the Holy Scripture.
Our primary moto and goal is:
We will be meeting every Sunday afternoon at 3:00, and Wednesday 6:00 PM